Integrating Google Custom Search API with PHP: A Complete Guide

Learn how to seamlessly integrate the Google Custom Search API into your PHP application. This guide covers everything from setting up your custom search engine and obtaining an API key to writing PHP code that retrieves and displays search results. Perfect for developers looking to add advanced search functionality to their websites.

To use the Google Custom Search API in PHP, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Set Up Google Custom Search Engine (CSE)

First, you'll need to create a custom search engine on Google. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to the Google Custom Search Engine page.
  2. Click on "Add" to create a new custom search engine.
  3. Choose the websites you want to search or configure it to search the entire web.
  4. Once created, you'll be given a Unique ID (CX) for your custom search engine.

2. Get a Google API Key

To use the Google Custom Search API, you'll need an API key:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one.
  3. Enable the Custom Search API in the API library.
  4. Go to the Credentials tab and click "Create Credentials".
  5. Select "API key" to generate your API key.

3. Install Google Client Library for PHP

The easiest way to interact with Google's APIs in PHP is by using Google's official API client. You can install it via Composer.

Run the following bash command to install the Google API Client Library:

composer require google/apiclient:^2.0

If you don’t have Composer installed, you can follow the instructions here: Get Composer.

4. Write PHP Code to Call the Google Custom Search API

Once you've set up the custom search engine and have your API key, you can write the PHP code to query the API.

Here’s an example of how to make a search request using the Google Custom Search API:

<?phplinebreakmarkerrequire 'vendor/autoload.php';linebreakmarkerlinebreakmarkeruse Google\Client;linebreakmarkeruse Google\Service\Customsearch;linebreakmarkerlinebreakmarker/* Initialize the Google Client */linebreakmarker$client = new Client();linebreakmarker$client->setApplicationName('Google Custom Search PHP');linebreakmarker$client->setDeveloperKey('YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY'); /* Replace with your API Key */linebreakmarkerlinebreakmarker/* Initialize the Custom Search service */linebreakmarker$service = new Customsearch($client);linebreakmarkerlinebreakmarker/* Define the Custom Search Engine ID (CX) */linebreakmarker$cseId = 'YOUR_CUSTOM_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID'; /* Replace with your Custom Search Engine ID */linebreakmarkerlinebreakmarker/* Define the search query */linebreakmarker$query = 'PHP programming';linebreakmarkerlinebreakmarker/* Call the Custom Search API */linebreakmarkertry {linebreakmarker    $results = $service->cse->listCse($query, ['cx' => $cseId]);linebreakmarkerlinebreakmarker    /* Display the search results */linebreakmarker    foreach ($results->getItems() as $item) {linebreakmarker        echo 'Title: ' . $item->getTitle() . '<br>';linebreakmarker        echo 'Link: ' . $item->getLink() . '<br>';linebreakmarker        echo 'Snippet: ' . $item->getSnippet() . '<br><br>';linebreakmarker    }linebreakmarker} catch (Exception $e) {linebreakmarker    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();linebreakmarker}linebreakmarker?>

Explanation of the Code:

  1. Google Client Setup:
    • The Google\Client is used to set up the API client with your API key.
  2. Custom Search Service:
    • We create a new instance of the Google\Service\Customsearch class, which will interact with the Custom Search API.
  3. Query and Results:
    • $query is the search term you want to search for.
    • $results->getItems() will return an array of search results.
    • You can iterate through these results to display relevant information such as the title, link, and a snippet.

5. Handling Errors

In the code above, errors are handled with a try-catch block. If something goes wrong (e.g., invalid API key or CSE ID), an exception will be caught and the error message will be displayed.

6. Customizing the Search

You can modify the listCse method by passing more parameters for refined results, such as:

  • num: Number of results to retrieve per page (max 10).
  • start: The index of the first result to retrieve.
  • lr: The language restriction (e.g., "lang_en" for English).
  • safe: Set to "high" to filter explicit content.

Example with parameters (PHP):

$results = $service->cse->listCse($query, [linebreakmarker    'cx' => $cseId,linebreakmarker    'num' => 5,linebreakmarker    'start' => 1,linebreakmarker    'safe' => 'high'linebreakmarker]);

7. Testing and Deployment

Once your script is set up, test it locally or on your server to ensure it's working. Be sure to handle any API quota limits or errors properly, especially for production environments.


  • Make sure you're aware of API usage limits and quotas. Google Custom Search API has a free tier (100 queries per day), but beyond that, you might need to upgrade.
  • Refer to the Google Custom Search API Documentation for more details on additional parameters and features.

With this setup, you should be able to integrate Google Custom Search into your PHP project!