Great JavaScript Syntax Highlighters Available for Web Development

Explore the top 5 JavaScript syntax highlighters to enhance your website's code display. Learn about powerful tools like Prism.js, Highlight.js, and more to make your code more readable and visually appealing.

There are several great JavaScript syntax highlighters available for web development. Here are some of the most popular and widely used options:

1. Prism.js


Description: Prism is a lightweight, extensible, and fast syntax highlighter. It supports many languages, including JavaScript. It’s designed to be easy to use and integrates seamlessly with most web applications.


  • Supports theming and customization.
  • Includes various plugins, such as line numbers, highlighting specific lines, and more.
  • Very lightweight and fast compared to other options.

Example Usage:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">linebreakmarker<script src=""></script>linebreakmarker<pre><code class="language-javascript">const hello = "Hello, world!";</code></pre>

2. Highlight.js


Description: Highlight.js is another popular syntax highlighter that supports more than 189 languages, including JavaScript. It’s easy to implement and automatically detects the language.


  • Autodetection of languages (great for mixed content).
  • Supports line numbers, themes, and custom styling.
  • Works well with both static and dynamic content.

Example Usage:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">linebreakmarker<script src=""></script>linebreakmarker<script>hljs.highlightAll();</script>linebreakmarker<pre><code class="javascript">const greet = "Hello, world!";</code></pre>

3. Ace Editor


Description: Ace is a full-fledged code editor that can be embedded in web pages, and it comes with robust syntax highlighting for JavaScript and many other languages. It's great if you want a more interactive or editor-like experience.


  • Full-fledged code editor with features like autocompletion and code folding.
  • Supports themes, keybindings, and various language modes.
  • Ideal for embedding interactive code environments.

Example Usage:

<script src=""></script>linebreakmarker<div id="editor">const hello = "Hello, world!";</div>linebreakmarker<script>linebreakmarker  var editor = ace.edit("editor");linebreakmarker  editor.session.setMode("ace/mode/javascript");linebreakmarker</script>

4. CodeMirror


Description: CodeMirror is a versatile code editor that can be embedded into websites with syntax highlighting for JavaScript and many other languages. It also supports features like autocompletion, syntax checking, and more.


  • Highly customizable and extensible.
  • Supports features like code folding, autocompletion, and syntax checking.
  • Works well for both simple and complex editing environments.

Example Usage:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">linebreakmarker<script src=""></script>linebreakmarker<script src=""></script>linebreakmarker<textarea id="editor">const hello = "Hello, world!";</textarea>linebreakmarker<script>linebreakmarker  var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("editor"), {linebreakmarker    mode: "javascript",linebreakmarker    lineNumbers: true,linebreakmarker  });linebreakmarker</script>

5. Rainbow


Description: Rainbow is a lightweight syntax highlighter with support for many programming languages, including JavaScript. It’s very easy to use and has a minimalistic approach to integration.


  • Lightweight and fast.
  • Easy to use with minimal setup.
  • Customizable themes.

Example Usage:

<script src=""></script>linebreakmarker<pre><code class="javascript">const hello = "Hello, world!";</code></pre>linebreakmarker<script>linebreakmarker  Rainbow.color();linebreakmarker</script>


If you are looking for a simple and lightweight syntax highlighter, Prism.js or Highlight.js would be excellent choices. For more interactive and feature-rich editing environments, Ace Editor or CodeMirror are better suited. Choose the one that best fits your needs based on the complexity and requirements of your project.